Assignment 2:  Client-side Security Topic

Identify one topic of interest to you concerning client side security. Be specific. Write a paper about that topic. Some things to consider:
  1. Cryptography (e.g. the new Advanced Encryption Standard)
  2. Digital signatures
  3. Digital identification
  4. Certificate
  5. Protocols related to Certificate
  6. A recently discovered security flaw
  7. Legal issues related to client side security

If there is another issue related to e-commerce security that is of more personal interest to you, then write about that. Don't feel constrained by any directions if you have a passion.

Publish this paper on your web site.

Provide a link from the main page, and take advantage of the web to make the paper interactive: use a navbar if appropriate; prev|next buttons, etc. The presentation and ease of reading will be important in the grading of this assignment.

Paper Format
Paper will be no longer than 8 pages, double line-spaced in a 10 or 12-point font with normal margins excluding appendices such as references, tables and graphics. All pages should include you name, the assignment number, and a page number.

The following sections should be included.
  1. Introduction
    1. Specify topic area.
    2. Brief description of topic to be analyzed.
    3. Brief summary of findings and conclusions.
  2. Background
    1. Provide background info and relevancy of targeted area for analysis.
  3. Findings/Results of Analysis
  4. Concluding Remarks
  5. References

Reference Section Contents
Use the following guidelines to build the reference section of your papers

Capture for ALL WEB SITES:
  • Author name or names ("anonymous" if not known),
  • Article name,
  • Web address,
  • Date accessed,
  • Sponsoring organization.
Capture for all interviews you had:
  • Name of the person interviewed,
  • Date of interview,
  • Place of interview or 'telephone interview',
  • Subject of the interview.
Capture for all print articles:
  • Author name or names ("anonymous" if not known),
  • Publication date,
  • Article (or book name, if book, also include publisher name and city.)
  • Name of periodical (if relevant)
  • Volume and issue numbers, page numbers

Grading Guidelines
The maximum achievable score 100 points. Papers will be evaluated for content quality and adherence to format requirements. Each section of the paper will have a weighted score that will be added together with other sections in order to derive the total score for the paper. In addition to the section grades, a grade will be given related to an assessment of the paper’s quality. The Overall Quality Assessment (OQA) score is attributed to the readability, consistency, and logic of the paper’s principal theme and central argument. The weights for each section and the OQA are as follows.

  1. Introduction – 15 points
  2. Background – 20 points
  3. Findings/Results of Analysis – 20 points
  4. Concluding Remarks – 15 points
  5. References – 10 points
  6. Overall Quality Assessment (OQA) – 20 points
Also please take note of the following grading guidelines
  • 10 points will reduce papers not adhering to the format described above.
  • Any paper exceeding 8 pages excluding appendices will be penalized 5 points.
  • Any paper with less than 4 references will be penalized 2 points.
  • Any paper with incomplete references (see above for complete reference content) will be penalized 1 point per incomplete reference.